Itel Circle 1 Unique Design with Round Screen Mobile Phone,500mAh Battery and 1.32 inch Display BT Call| Rose Gold

Itel Circle 1 Unique Design with Round Screen Mobile Phone,500mAh Battery and 1.32 inch Display BT Call| Rose Gold


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Specifications of Itel Circle 1 Unique Design With Round Screen Mobile Phone 500mAh Battery And 1.32-inch Display BT Call Rose Gold:

1. Display: 1.32-inch round screen, offering a unique design.

2. Battery Capacity: 500mAh battery, providing reasonable usage time.

3. BT Call: The phone supports BT (Bluetooth) calling feature, allowing you to make and receive calls wirelessly.

4. King Talker: Presumably, this refers to a voice assistant or voice command feature called "King Talker" on the phone.

5. Extra Free Lanyard: The package may include an additional lanyard for carrying the phone conveniently.

Features and Benefits:

1. Stylish Pocket Phone: The Itel Circle 1 boasts a stylish and compact design, making it easy to carry in your pocket.

2. Unique Round Screen Design: The phone's 1.32-inch round screen sets it apart from conventional rectangular displays, giving it a distinctive look.

3. BT Call Functionality: With BT call support, you can connect your phone to compatible devices and make or receive calls without the need for a physical connection.

4. King Talker (Voice Assistant?): The "King Talker" feature may provide voice-based assistance or voice-activated functions, allowing for hands-free interactions with the phone.

5. Extra Free Lanyard: The included lanyard adds convenience, allowing you to wear the phone around your neck or wrist.


The Itel Circle 1 Unique Design With Round Screen Mobile Phone in Rose Gold offers a stylish and innovative design with its 1.32-inch round screen, setting it apart from traditional rectangular smartphones. The BT Call feature enables seamless wireless calling, providing added flexibility and convenience. Additionally, the "King Talker" feature, presumably a voice assistant, further enhances user experience by enabling voice-activated functions. The phone comes with an extra free lanyard for easy portability and accessibility.


1. Imported from India: The phone is sourced from India, and its sizes and specifications are tailored to suit the Indian market.

2. Availability in Greece: According to desertcart, the Itel Circle 1 is available for delivery in various cities in Greece, including Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Piraeus, and Larisa.

3. Authenticity: Desertcart assures that all products, including the Itel Circle 1, are 100% authentic, sourced directly from authorized agents. They have a dedicated team for quality control and provide a 14-day free return policy and 24/7 customer support.

4. Safe Shopping: Buying from desertcart is considered safe, with the website operating legitimately in multiple countries, including Greece. The website uses HTTPS for secure transactions, encrypting customer data and safeguarding financial details.


1. Q: Where can I buy the Itel Circle 1 Unique Design With Round Screen Mobile Phone in Greece?

   A: You can purchase it online from desertcart, a reliable shopping platform offering a vast selection of products from various renowned brands.

2. Q: Does desertcart provide international shipping to Greece?

   A: Yes, desertcart offers shipping to Greece and over 164 other countries. Customers with a desertcart Plus membership can enjoy unlimited free shipping.

3. Q: Is the Itel Circle 1 available for delivery in specific cities in Greece?

   A: Yes, desertcart delivers the Itel Circle 1 to Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Piraeus, Larisa, and other cities in Greece.

4. Q: Is it safe to buy the Itel Circle 1 from desertcart?

   A: Yes, it is safe to purchase from desertcart. The website is legitimate and operates in multiple countries, prioritizing customer security with encryption and advanced technologies. Positive reviews from satisfied customers further attest to its reliability.



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